
Featured Image of "We Cannot Remain Silent About George Floyd" post We Cannot Remain Silent About George Floyd (6/11/2020) - Examining the historic protests in America over police brutality and racially charged violence.
The Importance of Being Sound: 5 Ways to Blow Off Some Steam (7/9/2019) - You wake up in a sweaty panic because you realize you overslept for that job interview you were really thrilled about (probably because your phone, the modern alarm clock, didn’t properly charge last night). To collect yourself, you start up a steamy shower that you so desperately needed, only for the hot water to run … Continue reading "The Importance of Being Sound: 5 Ways to Blow Off Some Steam"
Featured Image of 'Introduction- A New Weekend Hobby' post A Weekend Hobby – Introduction (6/5/2019) - Thanks for joining me on my new blog! This online journal is just a wholesome place for me to spread my ideas across in the most fun way possible: writing!  Writing is indeed the framework of communication: it makes our thinking and learning tangible and present in such a way that promotes not only the … Continue reading "A Weekend Hobby – Introduction"